The Single Mom…

IMG_6666My mother died three years ago and I remarked to a friend how sad Mother’s Day had become… seems we are almost overwelmed with media and retail reminders! In fact, it is already evident. She shared her way of coping since her own mother’s death. She decided to honor a single Mom with a gift…..someone who might have few resources through her own immediate family. Someone she could gift anonymously. I have adopted her idea and am so grateful for her suggestion. It has encouraged me to be more aware of single mothers who struggle to raise their children on mimimum wage salaries with few support systems. I realized I knew many through the ministries and community we share. I also knew my own mother would have thought it a grand idea! So, though the day is fast approaching but still worth mentioning! Another way to affirm and celebrate one another! Thanks to friend Cricket for such meaningful advice! Thought it worth mentioning!

4 thoughts on “The Single Mom…

  1. What a wonderful idea! I am lucky to still have my mother but now plan to acknowledge and honor a single mom with a gift as well.


    1. Rhonda….this is great! I have always been grateful for this suggestion from my friend!
      (PS….I have no idea why “unapprove” shows on this comment! Of course I approved it! Learning curve for me, I guess!)


  2. This is such a good idea even if for us children who still have living moms. My mom always complains about me spending too much money anyway.


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